StorytimeGomis on DeviantArt

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Gomis's avatar




I was spending Midsummer with MoA and Merlen so MoA as usual forced me - I mean asked me nicely to draw some fanart, as usual when we hang out.
So, fanart for MoA. Rainer (red crest) and Aruka (purple crest) hanging out by their own little campfire. Aruka is dangerously close to that fire, but it's OK, he's a blacksmith, he doesn't even notice it's too hot. ...Or at least that's my theory as to why he's accidentally so close to the fire.
BTW, they're not anthro dragons, they're members of MoA's original mammalian fantasy race called dravenes.

Micron liner, colored pencils, white gel pen and Copic marker on Fabriano paper.

Characters (c) :iconmistress-of-air:
Image size
1154x819px 898.8 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Gomis
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Rufina-Tomoyo's avatar
They seem very animated. Good use of expressions.