The Kingdom Ends with Yougoldenhearted on DeviantArt

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goldenhearted's avatar

The Kingdom Ends with You



So out of sheer boredom, I decided to edit this TWEWY pic and give it a Kingdom Hearts feel. It's nothing special apart from recoloring, detail touch-ups and the like.

Anywho... for the cast listing

Neku = Sora
Riku = Joshua
Shiki = Kairi
Rhyme = Namine
Beat = Roxas
Mr. Mew = Moogle

I know there are some questionables in the casting (especially Roxas-Beat) but that's the best that I can get out of them. I might do an updated one with the TWEWY title logo edited to have "Kingdom" in it but I really don't have time.

Oh well, hope you like it! Oh yeah, it says "by king_mickey" there so to clear things up, that's still me :)
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800x1126px 688.31 KB
© 2008 - 2025 goldenhearted
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CarltheWizard's avatar

I noticed that the villain characters from TWEWY are similar to the Organization members in Chain of Memories. Here we go:

Marluxia: Megumi Kitaniji

Axel: Koki Kariya

Larxene: Uzuki Yashiro

Vexen: Sho Minamimoto

Lexaeus: Yodai Higashizawa

Zexion: Mitsuki Konishi (even though he's a guy)