golden-hour's avatar


summer breeze
Years Ago
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Comments 52

anonymous's avatar
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AdeleClayton's avatar
You have a cool group here c:
Rona-Keller's avatar
Way to go for taking the exact sentente "feel free to suggest submissions to the gallery, but please note that we can't accept every photo as we want to keep the group organised and avoid spamming our watchers' inboxes." from my headless-group and using it as one of your rules? It makes sense and all, but maybe you could write it yourself? :aww:
gaelsacre's avatar
hi Rona! Actually I tried to write something similar but as i'm not fluent in english and I wanted it to be quite short explained, I didn't find something better. I'm sorry if I offended you or members of the group ! headless-photos is one of my model for this one, so it makes sense to me to use the same policy.

If you want me to change it, I will!
Rona-Keller's avatar
I think your English is perfectly fine! :) It wasn't supposed to sound mean, but I would prefer if you could just write one or two own sentences. It's just nicer than copying what someone else wrote!
gaelsacre's avatar
I'm sorry for the delay, I just suppressed the sentence. I knew it was not mean, I perfectly understand :)
gaelsacre's avatar
* the same kind