Recently… I have had privet messages from Deviants here on DA who want my art and turn it into something of their own, and tell of how they want it and want it done through ways I’m not familiar with, especially when it comes to payment and permission from me, on websites I’m not familiar with or don’t have an account or webpage for. It’s frustrating me, as this has happened two times already, and I don’t want to do anything with all that. I mean I appreciate people for loving my art, but this was not the way I expected it to go… I’m at a loss here, and I don’t want to make deals that involve me having to give my bank details or be offered a £9000 deal. I don’t want any of that, but I feel that if I say no, I’ll be threatened… I just want strangers to leave me and my money alone and just comment on my art and nothing more. I’m scared… :( So to those out there who like my art, don’t ask me for complicated deals, please.