
(FFH) Bugging Friendship: Ch6 (No More)

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The avengers are no more.

That was the current news that fluttered every news stand, talk show and anyone preaching it. For Marinette, she could only sit back and listen.

What could she say about it? Not much, but she was worried though.

Peter had been there, she’d caught glimpse of his red suit, though the angles were bad and blurry.

His suit looked blue in the bad clips, which wasn’t possible.

He’d been back a few days but they hadn’t met up and he said he had a surprise for her. The silence was deafening and it made her wonder.

What had it been like being there? Kwami she was so jealous he got to be there, even if the fight was well. She’d admit that the fight was something she felt worried for.

What Tony Stark was fighting for, she didn’t really stand with. She wouldn’t hold Peter against him for choosing, or maybe forced to do it.

She couldn’t help but wonder, if she’d have sided with Captain America and his reason if she’d been there.

Maybe it was a good thing she didn’t go?

But knowing who was there, wasn’t some small group, this was a big fight with big names.

She really hoped Peter was fine. Did the suit hold up? Kwami she hoped it did, her effort in it would have been for nothing if it fell apart in intense combat.

That thought made her want to bite her nails.

Her day continued as normal out of her anxious twitching. Her pencil flew across the table way to many times during her classes. People giggled and joked about her seeing her ‘boyfriend’. But she blanked it out.

You have a guy see you after school from a fancy science academy and word spread like fire.

The bell couldn’t come any faster and as soon as the day was over she was out.

Quickly she found a safe place to hide and transform and made sure to see where Peter was. On route but must was getting food.

She had time then, so quickly she went to their meeting spot they’d used for patrolling and used this time to relax and calm her.

How should she approach this? She wanted to be excited, but she didn’t want this to go to his head. Just because he got to go doesn’t mean she should treat him different.

Even if she was just a little jealous.

She should be as calm as possible, talk it out with him.

There was a sudden web stick and Marinette jumped.

Nope, she’s still too excited.

“Hey Marinette.” Peter called out behind her. “I got your favourite snack.” Marinette put a hand on her chest.

Stay calm and act cool. “Hey Peter!” She spun on her feet.

Her body froze as she stared at Spiderman dressed in red and blue.

The large white eyes closed and opened as he walked up. “How was New York while I was gone?” Peter asked as he handed her the food.

She took it, but stared blankly at his suit.  Peter looked at her confused. “Something wrong?” She blinked, realising she was staring hard.

“Um, just... What happened to the suit?” Peter glanced down.

“Oh right! Sorry, I was just excited to see you. Well, surprise!” He stepped back with opened arms. “Mister Stark made me this for the fight. It’s got so really nifty stuff in it, and I bet it’s got more tricks up its sleeve it’s got...”

Marinette felt numbness in her as she watched Peter gush over the suit.

Was the one that she worked on not good enough?

There was this numb feeling in her as she clenched her hands slowly.

All her effort that took her weeks, and he’d barely had a week with it.

Was Peter just going to drop anything she did, if Stark made it better?

“Marinette?” Peters voice spoke out, concern in voice. “You okay?” She blinked as she felt the tears on her cheeks. “Hey, is something wrong?” The white eyes stared back at her.

This wasn’t ‘her’ Spiderman that was staring at her. It was Starks Spiderman.

“I...” She trembled out. She felt betrayed and it hurt right now to see this.

She pushed Peter back, the clenched sandwich Peter had brought her fell to the floor and she took off.

“Marinette!” Peter called out, startled as she watched her disappear with wind.

He stared for several minutes.

What just happened?

Just a tease for the next arc. Which will be posted Sunday! (all 8 chapters)

Anyway I hope you all had fun with this so far, cause I really feel the next arc will be fun. (I enjoyed it and got the last four chapters done over night and it all came out well)

Now onto another note, I recently (like a few weeks recent) With someone doing a JJJ esc new post on the two heroes. (done by BenRG in chapter 3 on AO3) And I really liked it and wanted to find a place to fit it into my story, but sadly I couldn't think of a good spot. then, an idea.

So this is to everyone to give a shot, post your best JJJ news topic for each chapter, best ones get noted in the end and beginning of the chapter they want it in. Multiple good ones will be shared to my other fanfic locations.

You don't have too but I bet some of you will have some bonkers funny stuff. (You'll be credited of course.)

Anyway that is enough from me, see you all on Sunday for the next arc.

Titled: Bugs are Prey

© 2019 - 2025 gogeta408

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