Ships of the Terran Navygoeliath on DeviantArt

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goeliath's avatar

Ships of the Terran Navy



The Terran Navy. The single most efficient naval power in the entirety of Explored space. A marvel of human engineering and leader of military weapons technology. The Terran Navy is truly a force to be reckoned with.
Though it's size does not match that of the Xenos, or Confederate, it makes up for the lack of force with some of the most accurate and precise canons available sports some of the finest armor of all the nations, and has some of the most effective and disciplined crew available. Their ships are the perfect blend of maneuverability, armor, and firepower. It's tactics unmatched and their leadership unwavering they are ready to answer the call of the Federations whenever necessary. If you ever find yourself in combat with a Terran Navy, one must remain extremely cautious as the Terrans are known to feign retreat or withdrawals, only to lure unsuspecting fleets into a larger waiting force; or pulling a defensive in efforts to have the enemy come to them instead of them fighting the enemy on their turf. Even the Terrans famous Blitzkrieg tactics must always be in mind. In historical battles of the past, the Terran navy has been known to repel forces 5 times of it's size

However, no army is ever without an Achilles heel. For the Terrans, it is that of their doctrine, and the looming threat of over-expanding their armies. The Terrans have always been known to play defensively. The past 200 years have shown this. They believe they have everything they currently need and then some, so the addition of any territory would just require their army to sacrifice more soldiers for an outside prospect. They have kept to themselves, only having an army large enough to adequately defend it's borders, and an offensive naval force in reserve for when it's necessary. If their armies become strained, their effectiveness at holding the line could easily falter, and they would be forced to withdrawal their front-line further back to shorten the length required for them to hold.
The other is their doctrine. Protocols of military strategy and tactics that they have been commonly known to use, as well as procedures to follow in certain military situations. This doctrine has never been leaked, but it is known that they possess it. In the wrong hands, the enemy could adequately predict and counter the Terran strategy.

With this being said, fighting defensively is still not recommended. They are known to adapt to enemy tactics rather quickly. The key is to fight cautiously, being mindful of the battleground, the surrounding objects/asteroids, and the Terran Navy's initial approach.

But this tactic does not work for ever nation. The Xenos and the Staevik are such examples. However they will be continued upon at a later date.

-Excerpt from "The Art of Modern Warfare: The Free Nations"  by J. LANDE


Ships from the Terran 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Fleets. All part of the newly formed Terra Offensive Armada and all being bolstered with a large amount of additional ships. (As well as the 4th, 5th, and technically 6th. The 4th, 5th and 6th are not shown for specific Reasons)

-The 1st Fleet: known as "the Pride of Terra". The fleet with the single most combat experience in all of the Terran federation. It's the fleet that specifically houses High General Helmar and his personal elite guard whenever they are to invade a planet or be transported.

-The 2nd Fleet: it houses more carriers and support vehicles than any of the other 5 fleets in the armada, and is commonly used for a supportive role for the Armada, provided a large amount of fighters and bombers as well as smaller ships like gunboats and corvettes in combat.

-The 3rd Fleet: The "Crimson Guard" Fleet. It's ships have been refit with some of the heaviest and advanced firepower the Terran military currently has available. 

-The 4th Fleet: The "Black Fleet" [INFORMATION REDACTED]

-The 5th Fleet: A rear reserve fleet that has ships on standby to repair or replace any ships that fall out of the other four fleets.

-The 6th Fleet:  [4̢0̡4͞  N̵̦̤̪O̲̳͎̻̞̝̯T̛̞̥͓͇ ͓̝̪̕F̦͎̭̪͍̫ͅO̴͍̬̘̰̪͙̤UN̞̘͚̞͉͠D͎͚͕̱͉͚͉]͔̝̪̯̦ͅ //REDIRECTING TO 5TH FLEET. PLEASE STAND BY//


There are no specific measurements for the ships yet, but know that that landing craft is supposed to be around the length of a c-130 (give or take a few meters. But that is subject to change once I do final measurements)
There are numerous other fleets, however, these are the first to be part of the Offensive armada
Battleship, Battle Carrier, micro carrier, Dread, and other support vessels have been left out, and I will cover at a later date.

For now, enjoy the Ships of the Terran Navy

The Terran Federation here is part of my :iconthecolonists: setting.

Comments and feedback are always appreciated 
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ShadowtrooperDragon's avatar

Gotta love these designs, I have been taking inspiration from these ship designs for my Orion Arm Republic faction in my Unitum Invictum sci-fi universe.