Hello! This is fantasisorg/glitchink from tumblr, welcome to my deviantART. I am a hobbyist artist who will probably post mostly Homestuck and Steven Universe fanart plus some original stuff.
Some of my favourite characters are
Naruto - Rock Lee & CO, Hidan, Hinata, Nagato, Kimimaro
Fire Emblem - Vaike, Lissa, Niles, Saizo, Virion, Gerome
Overwatch: Pharah, Junkrat, Zenyatta
Steven Universe - Amethyst, Jasper, Opal, Sugilite, Malachite, Rhodonite and Garnet
Homestuck -The Makaras, Maryams, Tavros, Terezi and Dave!
Below are the links to my main, doodle and Homestuck tumblr blogs, other blogs and more infortmation about me and each blog can be found in their links. Please feel free to message me both here and on tumblr if you have any questions.
Warning for explicit themes such as blood!! Probably rather mild, but still frequent. On tumblr most guro and such is kept to my guro blog (glitchinkguro lol).
see u around buddy