Wallpaper Again: HobbiesGliss45 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gliss45/art/Wallpaper-Again-Hobbies-85785817Gliss45

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Gliss45's avatar

Wallpaper Again: Hobbies



Umm...so yeah, I made this based on all the crud that I love and adore in my life.

And if at all you're wondering "is that a guy or a girl", let's make it clear that there are NO girls on this wallpaper. Yes, Ayase (blue eyed kid in top right), Misaki (guy in junjou romantica left), Shinobu (3rd guy down in Junjou Romantica), Hisoka (guy with Tsuzuki under KAT-TUN), and Miku (AnCafe vocalist) are all GUYS.

I am a Yaoi Fangirl with whatever that entitles...What can I say, I love guys.
Image size
1280x800px 240.11 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Gliss45
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Kttag's avatar
hahahaha!!!! Only this backround for you gets you distracted! lol
MWHAHAHA!!! I'm evilly laughing on you page! XD