How r u
Hello! I hope Im not bothering you and I apologize for leaving a comment like this, I don't normally do this but I am looking for willing participants for my contest in order for it to go underway. I'm hoping you'd be interested in joining my Welcome Home Fan Character Tournament. It's a contest I am hosting for the second time this year and only Welcome Home FCs can join. It's really fun and simple really. All you need to officially join is a picture of your FC, a written bio about them, watch me and share my journal. There will be prizes if you make it to semifinal or higher. The information for it is here in case you're interested.
If you don't wish to join, I'll understand. It was just worth the effort to ask. Have a nice day.
heya, sorry for bothering you but the requests are Open?
I Don’t do requests, i do offer commissions though!
I see