Alt account to . GeeDiRosso and GiuDiRosso will function in parallel. I may go suddenly inactive in one account to focus on another and vise versa. Please excuse the mess while I figure out how to deal with two accounts at the same time.
Been an active Deviantart member since August 2008. My mission is become an archive of non humanoid characters (anthropomorphic, some feral animals, dragons, cryptozoology, etc.) of various movies and tv shows.
@GiuseppeDiRosso is permanently closed due reaching the submission limit. I would like to please encourage for anyone to visit my long time account of 15 years with 46,000+ screenshots of various animated tv shows and movies.
No I am not from Antarctica. I live on the far side of the moon.
kirby : poyo
kirby : poyo
i'am teedkill12 and you