I'm a Jill-of-all-trades with a focus on art. I'm into fashion, music, action flicks, drawing, and casual gaming. I'm moody and sensitive, but I use it to fuel my creativity. Thanks to deviantART, I've been learning a lot and honing my craft. Oh, and as far as the Jolly Ranchers are concerned, I picked out all the strawberry and cherry ones. Hope you like grape, lol.
I am truly honored and thankful for every friend, every watcher, and every drop of love I've found here. Each of you inspire me in different ways to become a better artist, and I know I have room for improvement and I'm filling it here. Thanks to every one of you!
Current Residence: This planet you call Earth
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Large and in Charge
Favourite genre of music: Rock (Classic, Alt, Metal, Soft), Techno, Trance, Electronica, 70s, 80s, Hip Hop,
Favourite photographer: Anyone who can capture my good side!
Favourite style of art: Anime/manga, realistic, anything sharp that portrays the mood~!
Operating System: XP, and Vista on a good day
MP3 player of choice: One that works *shrug*
Shell of choice: Tortoiseshell Kitty? No? Bite me, then, lmao
Wallpaper of choice: Any featuring nature or long-haired man-candy. Sue me.
Skin of choice: Smooth and well-oiled-- YEAH! lol
Favourite cartoon character: Thundercats. No, I'm serious!
Personal Quote: The only person you can control is yourself... do so accordingly!
I always believe in self-control, so at best, 2 lbs...
The holiday is for eating! I had to put on 5. I haven't worn pants since I ate.
...Once the weekend is over, it could be 10++. That grub was delicious!!
I ate an entire pie by myself. Don't judge me.
I have a high metabolism and this question doesn't apply to me
The holidays aren't over yet-- and the best is yet to come!
Pizza power... is the thing that keeps us goin'.... (just for me to check)