I lost track of everything again! I'm so sorry. It's been a hairy year. I've preloaded some pages, so we should be back to our weekday schedule, at least until I get overwhelmed again.

Our current Kickstarter ends in three days! It's fully funded and we're not only going to be able to bring out Girl Genius Volume 21, we're also going to be able to reprint the volumes that are out of stock: 3, 12 and 14. The campaign is here: kck.st/3vEcQNc and yes, I'm doing the belated work of trying to make sure I've told everyone on the Internet I can possibly reach, and while doing that I realized just how behind I was with the uploads here, so I took some time to correct that.

2024 Envelope of Madness for the Kickstarter

The Envelope of Madness, which everyone who backs at a level that contains a book gets as a party favor, now contains a lot of stuff!

I was using the DeviantArt updates to retool all the old pages that are broken because Adobe stopped supporting the fonts I used to letter all the comics. Everything was going swimmingly until I hit volume four, which is so broken that I'm just going to have to re-letter it all from scratch. Replace font isn't working. And that was so time consuming that I couldn't keep up. I had to keep working on shipping the 2022 Kickstarter rewards. Well, today I realized that I could just grab the old files, fix the credits at the bottom, and post those. So unfortunately these aren't the lovely re-lettered pages that will eventually be reprinted, but at least they're here.

Thank you, everyone!


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DPRagan's avatar

It's alright, I'm way behind myself. :D