.:Pink StarsGinkgoWerkstatt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ginkgowerkstatt/art/Pink-Stars-91280088GinkgoWerkstatt

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GinkgoWerkstatt's avatar

.:Pink Stars



:bulletgreen: You need to have a Premium Account or to be a staff member/volunteer to use this :bulletgreen:

Made for the Think Pink III Contest held by ^JunkbyJen For more details see here: [link]

Just had (to try) to make something better than last year. And needed to find a way to come back to "design" journals... still not 100% sure about it. Seems like there is something missing.

Get the blue version here:

As usual: in case i should win any subs i'll hope that i can donate them to others. :aww:

Floral brushes by *ro-stock [link] and [link]
Star brushes by ~spiritsighs-stock [link]
Orb made with the help of a tutorial from ~insanegraphx [link] <- this is really great!
Background pattern from [link]

Works for FF 2.0 and IE 7.

Download the files and read the instructions.txt

:bulletgreen: :pointr: Make sure to read and understand this before you use my templates!
:bulletgreen: :pointr: My tutorials that can help you to add/use journal templates!
© 2008 - 2025 GinkgoWerkstatt
lauraypablo's avatar
:huggle: thank you very much, is very beautiful this journal, I will use,
I did as you indicate in the txt, I have only difficulty with the following:
where "no comments" at the bottom of the journal says, I would like to
add to make them their names there, add it in the skin appears footer
but I topped up the links, can you help? look 11
think it's fair that their names ginkgografix and Shyada appear
in the journal and I would like to add, is my way of thanking you and all to
see the beautiful journals that make :huggle:
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