.:Blue NovemberGinkgoWerkstatt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ginkgowerkstatt/art/Blue-November-130960948GinkgoWerkstatt

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.:Blue November



edit: If you want to use it, here is the install version: [link]

I joined the calendar project [link] of =pica-ae and my month is november. I wanted to create a feeling of loneliness, that is not dangerous but peaceful and soothing.

The intentional idea was something with fog and trees, but after i found that awesome stock image by accident, i just had to use it :faint:

Had fun working on this in PS, although that version is slightly different, but once i was finished i realized that this is a journal that doesn't work very well for lower resolutions- FAIL! :B
The quote can't be seen and all those spacings look odd for smaller version. Well... so far this is just a design and the actual code will be published after august when the project ends... maybe i'll redo this... maybe! :aww:

Tree brushes [link] by ~al-pa-vi
Bird brushes [link] by ~flordelys-stock
Sea stock [link] by ~lady-symphonia-stock

Works for FF and IE.

If you have any questions read the F.A.Q. or ask me.
Image size
1002x1238px 227.85 KB
© 2009 - 2025 GinkgoWerkstatt
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osagelady's avatar
I have it and it's beautiful, thank you!!!!