Ginger-Pipomaid's avatar


Brownies! o7o
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ginger's Bio by Ginger-Pipomaid, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

  • Nov 18
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (23)
My Bio
Ginger the Pipomaid (Black pants)
ATK: Bullet; RedBullet; RedBullet; RedBullet; WhiteBullet; White SPD: Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White
ALT: Bullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White TMP: Bullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White
Admin of :iconaerp-da2:
*spits out random rp journal*//Ginger was frustrateeeeed. here she was after finally getting the kitchen spotless and SOMEMONKEY came in and just wrecked the place looking for a banana or something. so now she's gotta clean it all again! DX she was too shy to ask for help, and a bit too stubborn as well, so she started scrubbing everything all over again. she picked up a big bowl, blinking a bit. where did this go? she tenses a bit and looked up at the fridge. oh right... this was the bowl that went on top of the fridge for whatever reason... well CRUD how was she supposed to get it put away?she walked over to the fridge and held up the bo...
anonymous's avatar
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guys, listen//

0 min read
I've been braindead here ; 3 ;I'm trying to be more active, it's just a little hard with me needing to earn money via commissions, and frankly DA isn't really helping in that department. It's not exactly easy to chat rp while working either because DA chats don't make sounds like MSN does. I'm trying guys but idk how long I can keep 'trying' here. it seemes the whole rp has literally died.I miss the old days where all we did was come on to rp, not letting on that we're stressed about irl stuff, just coming to have fun as a family. .n. those days seem long gone now. did we outgrow the rp? or is life just getting in the way of the imaginary ...
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Ginger left her room back in uniform, sighing a bit as she got to work again, first going to the kitchen and starting on the dishes, avoiding talking to anyone. she hadn't been here long in the base, and was still adjusting to being around so many monkeys. she kept herself busy with various chores to go along with the job of being the base's maid. she still didn't know anyone, had barely spoken to Specter only to get the job, and seemed to avoid everyone else, only hanging out with her brother when he was was a new beginning here for her. but she'd need help getting out of that scared little rut she's locked herself in.
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ilayda123's avatar
joor draw is awsome:squee:
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing
misshollyann's avatar
hi Ginger,

how are you, and what you bin up to
MinionPiposaru's avatar
Ichigo slowly walked behind Ginger before poking her behind the back.

"Ukki!" He said.
Scientist-Aki's avatar
Aki was not convinced that the small maid drawing near was her dearest friend. "Oh, Casi~! Did you dye your hair?" ^___^ she asked while hugging her left arm with her right hand, waist leaning to the left slightly. :iconilikeitplz: "It's very hot out, don't you think? That green shirt and tights must be making you dehydrated."
Ginger-Pipomaid's avatar
Ginger frizzed slightly, hearing someone talking and looked up, spotting the tall human. the light on her helmet flicked red and she jumped back with a screech before turning and running. Q[]Q
Scientist-Aki's avatar
:icongaspersplz: "Oh my. . . was it something I said?" Aki asked before walking after the maid. "Casi, do you have to run an errand? I have a shopping list too~!" :wave: she exclaimed, waving a crinkled piece of paper in the air with her right gloved hand. Why wouldn't the purple haired girl listen to her calls today?
Ginger-Pipomaid's avatar
ginger, being...well ginger, tripped and faceplanted into the ground :iconrikafailplz: spinning bananas symbolizing dizziness circling above her head as she sat up, head swaying. @A@