GIMPArtistsUnite's avatar


GIMP Rocks!
Years Ago

Comments 620

anonymous's avatar
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PlayRole's avatar
OK I just joined this group with the idea that I could share some of my techniques. I don't create art because I don't have an artistic bone in my body. I build art using bits and pieces of other works I find. This all began by creating icons for an icon set which is at 400 icons now. Look at my gallery (mature content) to get an idea of what I do and if there's enough interest maybe I can set up a (workshop?) here or something of the sort. I know through using gimp myself for many years that finding "practical" or "cut through the B.S." tutorials are impossible to find.
PlayRole's avatar
This would be for newbies by the way as I am by no means an expert at any of this. In fact I stand to learn as much or more from you than you from me.
BloodArt-Profile's avatar
BloodArt : GardenPlayground
BloodArt : GardenPlayground by BloodArt-Profile  
thanks for choosing BloodArt;
PhosQuartz's avatar
I have a time lapse of myself working in GIMP, making the artwork that I just submitted here! Check it out:

I start with graphite on paper, then switch to GIMP at 3:40.

The time lapse spans about 8 real-time hours of working in GIMP.