EmpyreanGieGie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/giegie/art/Empyrean-24814869GieGie

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GieGie's avatar




I'm really proud of this one hehe XD!!! I hope everyone else likes it too, especially you sea-goers out there haha ^_^ I've always wanted to do something with fireworks in it, so here it is =)

Edit: I'm editing the picture due to some technical problems I've seen so it's gonna be a little longer than I thought heh >_<!!! Sorry for the wait hehe :faint:

Edit: Okay, it's been edited now, so enjoy!!! hehe, added birds, trees, and um...o.O Changed a few of those technical things I was talking about so yeah, you know hehe XD!!!

Comments and favs appreciated and part of a healthy artists balanced diet!!! XD
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2000x2500px 1.8 MB
© 2005 - 2025 GieGie
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Virtical's avatar
Absolutely damn awesome!
the only think i dont like is the planet rings, theyre too flat and disc-like, maybe if you added some noise and faded them a little? i dont know, i usually do my rings with a dup of the cloud layer of a planet, spin it and add a pile of noise to it, the dup the noise and gaussian blur it to give it a glow (dont think i have any rings in my gallery though =/)

anyways, hope i helped ^^