Getting an eyefull color by Grim1978Giantess-Cassie on DeviantArt

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Getting an eyefull color by Grim1978

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:icongrim1978:c again with an amazing piece that really shows off the assets of a growing Goddess. AND with the colors I t shows that the angels are imps too with my top :)

"You know you dont have to let yourself go around all nakie." Sabrina commens as with a thought her clothes reform around her. "Just think of what you want and imagine yourself in it.. like out of one of those animes you mentioned."

Paige and Pam folowing suit as  to show there clothes flowing arund them "Denise?"

"like I have anything to hide" she giggles and then follows the crowd.

Closing my eyes a moment and thinking of sailor moon and Cutie Honey as material starts to flow around me the brush of silk and cool kiss of metal as it takes shape. Turning around and then looking back as I feel the breeze of the cherubs flying around me.
"Hope your getting an eyefull" winking
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4704x6808px 1.83 MB
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HeroofLightandDark's avatar

Hmmm you know. Now that I think about it. Since you've been growing a whole lot. The question is how will you grow this time.