786 deviations
639 deviations
Tales of Excidium Skits
71 deviations
Prince of Persia Dark Horizon
46 deviations
Nexus Core
48 deviations
Tales of Excidium
142 deviations
Prince of Persia
29 deviations
Star Ocean
19 deviations
Cramics and Crafts
23 deviations
Tales of Symphonia
39 deviations
Star's Vigil
6 deviations
Tales of Vesperia
12 deviations
Legend of Zelda
11 deviations
54 deviations
22 deviations
Tales of Xillia
21 deviations
Ninja Gaiden Black Player's Guide
5 deviations
Ninja Gaiden Black
12 deviations
Tales of Zestiria
20 deviations
Tales of Excidium Written
51 deviations
Ninja Gaiden Black CHapter 15 Part II
The Core:Floor 1
Enemy: Crow Shadows and AriochsThe first floor will have the deadly arioch/crow shadow combination again, but as there’s only the one arioch, you can focus on taking him out right away and get the crows later. The True Dragon Sword is excellent for getting this initial kill, especially if you’re good at executing Gleaming Blade upon landing.Floor 2
Enemy: Ariochs and Dinosaur FiendsAriochs pose a considerably greater threat on the second floor, where they can once again use their shadow attack to pull you down through the floor. As soon as the door locks behind you, you may want to start charging an ultimate attack. While ...
185 deviations