Betilla Sculpture by Goooop!Gheyblin on DeviantArt

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Gheyblin's avatar

Betilla Sculpture by Goooop!



I commissioned my good bud Goooop to create a physical sculpt of one of my Betilla drawings a few months ago, and it very recently finally got delivered a few days ago and I couldn't be happier with the result! He did an absolutely amazing job, and I'm so goddang happy I finally have a figure of H E R

He's an incredible artist and a good friend, and he knocked it outta the park. Took him several weeks of hard work sculpting with clay and then painting the sculpt, and it blows my mind how well he was able to translate my drawing into a tangible, physical sculpt! It's almost 11 inches tall, and pretty hefty, though most of the physical weight is in her hips and bottom :y I'll be spending some time over the next couple months trying to find an appropriate way to mount her to the base, as she had to be shipped loose with the base and her wings, and can't stand up on her own. She was never drawn to be a physical sculpt, so I need to figure out how to carefully go about giving her proper support, as her mass is focused heavily in the hair and ass specifically haha

But yeah! One of my favorite commissions of all time, and I can't think him enough! You the best, dude!!

Check him out! His stuff's super well done and rad!
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1920x1920px 584.84 KB
© 2021 - 2025 Gheyblin
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