KNY: KazumiGetsuei-san on DeviantArt

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Getsuei-san's avatar

KNY: Kazumi



And last picture I colored this year before currently--if I get that done before the last few days.

Kazumi in her main attire. That's an open kimono she's wearing that her mom made for her. She almost always wears her fox mask and sometimes even forgets to take it off when eating and drinking. The fox mask was given to her by Urokodaki after she came back from Final Selection. Giyu gave her the patterned obi.

Her sword color is supposed to be a dark periwinkle since Breath of Snow is derived from water, I thought to make it blue too. Kazumi's sword isn't a katana but a chokuto which has its own disadvantages/advantages but for the most part it's because Kazumi fights one handed and its easier to use for her. 

Snowflake brushes credit to :iconcoby17:

Art (C) Getsuei-san
Kazumi Amatani (C) Getsuei-san
Image size
1495x2103px 2.88 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Getsuei-san
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Inntary's avatar
so amazing! ;o; <3333