ZANGIEFgeraldoaraujo on DeviantArt

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Well... it was with Zangief the first time I run the Street Fighter 2, and that was so long ago that I think it's incredible I can still remember. I even remember how was the sunlight that evening after school and, someway, the experience. That challenge turned out to be a remarkable experience. I've already gone with hours and money trying obsessively to beat M.Bison. Today, I spent my time and money in other types of challenges.

In this drawing, I've used Flash to create the image in black and white and colored on Photoshop

(Thanks for Rafael for the translation!)

Bom, foi com Zangief que eu finalizei pela primeira vez o game Street Fighter, e isso foi a tanto tempo que acho incrivel me lembrar desse dia. Lembro ate de como estava a luz do sol naquela tarde depois de ter saido da escola e de alguma forma, aquela experiencia, aquele desafio se tornou uma experiencia marcante. Ja havia gastado horas e dinheiro numa tentativa obssessiva de vencer M. Bison. Hoje gasto tempo e dinheiro tentando ultrapassar outros tipos de dificuldades.

Nesse desenho, utilizei o flash para criar a imagem em preto e branco e colori no Photoshop.
Image size
800x866px 512.8 KB
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X-distroyer's avatar
Final Atomic Smasheeeeer!!!!!!!