Please come and check out my works if you are a Psychonauts fan, or into G-Ames in G-Eneral.
This G-Man owns nothing from Double Fine, Nintendo, Bandai, Konami, or any other company from which I do fan art of their characters for. I am unofficially associated with Double Fine though, which is certainly something. Also, this Agent uses Holy Free Software MyPaint and sketches with traditional media also.
Greetings. The name's George. George the G-Man, secret agent and PI.
I am looking for the Milkman.
Have you seen the Milkman?
Do you know where the Milkman is?
Do you know about the Psychonauts?
I am originally from the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic
named Boyd Cooper.
Perhaps you know him.
His mind is twisted. Like a neighborhood from MC Escher.
Perhaps that's why I am also a bit odd.
Perhaps that's also why I'm one deadpan fellow.
I want to make friends. Will you be my next one?
I tend to state the obvious many times.
I am also an unemotional fellow with a deep monotone.
I may be unintentionally aggravating to some people.
But I apologize for that-- I am not a malicious being.
I love to have fun, though I may be hard-boiled.
I may be a very serious fellow,
but I love to joke around,
if you wish it.
It is a fact that I love to ask questions.
That is just a quirk of all G-Men.
Be patient with me. I am a G-Man, after all.
Born from the deep recesses of fear, within the intangible depths of a schizophrenic paranoiac's mind, I came searching the darkness and the light for my identity.
A member of a society full of G-Man brethren, a hundred and counting, we look much alike. I once questioned myself-- who am I? Did a hundred look-alikes of myself make me expendable? Did I exist solely for the Milkman; to take him down and to destroy myself with him?
Was that my ultimate purpose?
But then, a revelation from the light-- I was to protect the innocent, the weak, the unprotected, the hunted, the hopeless.
A neverending story, a timeless passion.
With my heart, I follow the path of righteousness. With my infrared X-ray vision, I am to seek the oppressors, the murderers, the marauders who wish to squelch peace and the common good. From the tommy gun in my throat speak the voices of the damned on the tormentors of peace. By my strength, I broke free from the mind of my progenitor to become my own identity; a free G-Man. With my freedom and power comes great responsibility, but we must be prepared to take the good with the bad. All for the common good.
I take my fedora, my trenchcoat, the shirt on my back and my tie. Through indomitable will, by irrepressible strength and indefatigable mind, I shall carry out my mission.
You seem to be inactive.
But thank you George. I have amazing memories with you, and the people I met through you. If you read this I've been dating Katja for a few years now! Godspeed man.
*Doffs fedora for old times' sake*
To be honest, pretty inactive indeed, but not inactive from making sketches in general on work breaks. Maybe someday I'll post some of those on DeviantArt.
You get really busy with life once you get a career after college, but I am pretty glad that I've made a lot of folks happy with the ol' Neighborhood page. Good to see you've hooked up with Katja, you two seemed like a good match from the start. Hope you are doing well in your studies and with your GF.
Wishing the very best, Agent Jude.
*Doffs fedora*
Hello, hello, hello there. I am definitely pretty inactive here on DeviantArt nowadays now that I've got a full-blown career and all that. I should probably update this old profile a bit since I've not really stopped sketching things, but eh.
I feel bad asking this, but being DeviantArt and so many years and all, I'm trying to think of who you are. Were you known as Slenderman back on Facebook, or do I have the wrong person?
HEEEEY, good hearing from you again, kind of funny how small the world is. It's been about five years so I'm sure a lot has changed with you, hopefully lots of good things? Not sure if you're working or doing college or such, but hoping that whatever you do and wherever you are, it's working out great for you.