RWBY X WWII Ruby Supermarine Spitfire MK1aGeorgeFah on DeviantArt

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RWBY X WWII Ruby Supermarine Spitfire MK1a



Ruby getting an identical treatment compared to Weiss, Ruby being thrown into a strange world set in late August 1940 during the height of "The Battle of Britain". Only one of them can leave this dream set conflict as the loser stays. Can Ruby escape this world or will she end up stuck in the dream run of the largest conflict in the world which makes the Remnant great war look tiny. The RAF personnel take no notice of the strange world Ruby came from and act as nothing special, only when a red Spitfire shows up in base. The technical crew were stunned as if the fighter was brand new with some unusual enhanced abilities, also Ruby is the only person who can fly it as it's like a part of her.

Ruby Rose RWBY Ice Queendom
Supermarine Spitfire Ia template
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2000x1417px 540.46 KB
© 2022 - 2025 GeorgeFah
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