Craftworld Varantha Eldar PathfinderGeorgeFah on DeviantArt

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Craftworld Varantha Eldar Pathfinder



Updated* with 6th edition New Eldar rules, you may either use her rules or proxy as Illic Nightspear om the New Eldar codex(2013).

It has taken me many countless days to produce this Yugioh Kisara crossover as a Eldar Pathfinder. I am currently making two models for table top atm.

* Leyita Nelailmil was a seer in training until she was fed up with the strict laws of the craftworld. Leyita argues with Farseer Nyacelia about her paths in life and her arrogance in avenging her parents who were murdered by the Space Marines. With no end to their debate Leyita vows never to return to Craftworld Varantha in any situation. She leaves with an outcast from Lugganath craftworld named" Dyranch". As she decends into the Path Of the wanderer searching for lost Eldar artifacts and assisting with any other craftworlds in any kind of situation. She travels' alone as Dyranch was assinated by an imperial Vinticare assasin. His death was avenged in blood and with his death she takes his Exodus rifle on her personal stealth craft which has the state of the art cloaking system. The reasons why other eldar craftworlds accept her assistance with other rangers because her shots change the course of the battle or perhaps change history. Some say that she is abit simplistic towards the humans and that she was able to infiltrate a human hive world undetected because she could speak mon-keigh(human voice).
Currently no other craftworld Eldar have been able to find her in anyway, some say that she was captured by the Dark Eldar pirates and who knows what might have happen to her....

" I saw my own child striped from her armour as these wicked figures reach for her. She was scared and in tears as these slender men grabbed her. As a mother I cannot do anything except pray. My child has to stay strong, Isha protect her".
Farseer Nyacelia foresight.

Skilled artisans and designers, the elder of craftworld Varantha are renowned throughout the galaxy. Though very few in number, the technological prowess of their weaponry and grav-tanks more than makes up for this.
The craftworld’s name means “crown of our steadfast hopes” in the elder tongue and the name refers both to the skills of the elder that reside there, and also to their ongoing research into everything from psycho-crystal growth to webway portals.
As they are so few in number, they rely heavily on their grav-tanks both for defence and offence, and this is reflected in their war doctrine and tactics.
Their original homeworld, after which the craftworld was named, was a mountainous seat of elder prowess and influence. Due to the dizzing heights ever-present on the world, the elder of craftworld Varantha have an affinity with flight in all its forms.
The insignia of the craftworld is based upon a stylised flower design, with a single drop of blood in the centre, to honour all the elder lost in the fall. The full design incorporates wings, in order to highlight their love of flight.
In battle the aspect warriors of Varantha are bedecked in sky blues and deep reds, with dark green vines all over the tanks.

Table top: 135pts ( points are subjected to change and rules)
Ws 3, Bs 7, S 3, T 3, W 2, I 5, A 2, Ld 10, Sv 5+

Wargear: Mesh Armour,Camo-cloak, Plasma Grenades, Shuriken pistol,Close combat weapon.

Remnant of glory: *"Ying's fury Shuriken catapult(FAD) or *"Sight Of Varathna" Long Rifle(Barret 50.Cal)

"Ying's fury" Shuriken Catapult: Any enemy model wishes to assault her suffers dangerous terrain test.

Range: 18'' S: 4 AP:4 Assault/BladeStorm 3

"Sight Of Varantha" Longrifle: This rifle wounds enemy models on 2+ and ignores cover.

Range: 72'' S: x AP:2 Heavy/Sniper/Disort 1

Special Rules:
Fleet, Stealth,Infiltrate, Eagle eye*, Independant Character. Unique, Scout. Move through cover, craftworld mentor**, Ancient Doom, Battle Focus.

Eagle Eye*: Similar to hawk eye special rules, instead she can allocate the shot to any model in the enemy squad and "look out sir" is resolved at 6 instead of 4.

Craftworld mentor**: Once per turn during the shooting phase she can use her Ld test on a Eldar(not dark eldar) within 6'; individual model, skimmer and tanks. This ability does not effect super heavy tanks, deamon, flyers and Titans because their too preoccupied with their objectives or ignore her advice. Once the Ld test is successful that Eldar unit's Bs becomes 7 until the next Eldar turn. Leyita's shooting phase is forfeited as she is guiding the marksman..

All rights belong to GW. [link]
Plus Kisara from yugioh belongs to them.

I think she would be a great replacement for the Warp spider exarch in DowII, Here's it is:[link]

Plus I may write a story on fan fiction net on her called "Path Of The Wanderer" with copyrights in place.
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© 2012 - 2025 GeorgeFah
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bibotot's avatar
Nightspear is terrible. I have seen him killing Riptide with 1 shot, but on the whole, he is a waste of points, unless you are playing a really big game.