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Geoff on the NET
184 Deviations

How long would you guess it took to make this piece?

39 votes

About 1 hour

About 2.5 hours

About 5 hours

About 10 hours

About 25 hours

About 50 hours, maybe more

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As some of you are aware, our beloved DuckxDuck is trying to raise money for a super-cooper trip to Australia, and so she's offering commissions!

PayPal Commissions ~ Closed:bulletred: Commissions are closed. :bulletred: EDIT 3// Closing in about two-ish weeks for my hiatus //EDIT 3 edit 2// Now on tumblr! //edit 2 edit// Adding digital commissions because that's what you guys said you wanted. :thumbsup:Also the deadline is coming up in a few months and I'm freaking out a little bit because I still have a few thousand dollars to raise otl. So if you'd be so kind please, please, please spread this around so more people can see it! I would really appreciate it! //edit For the college I'm at they require a cross cultural e...…

I myself have already gotten two and they're so amazing I still can't believe how good they are!  Just look at how well she draws in Star Vs. style:

Ink Comm :: Ballad sings to the forces of evil by DuckxDuck  Ink Comm :: Duck vs... by DuckxDuck

She's doing traditional, digital, coloural, line-artal, whatever your heart desiral (except the usual NSFW stuffs).  Seriously, with all these peeps wanting to go to Australia, it must be an awesome place; wouldn't it be grand to help another deserving artist get the experience of a lifetime?  I'm sure if you asked, Duck would send back some fabulous snaps ohoho~

Don't delay!  Act impulsively today!  Hurry, this offer is good for a limited time only!

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Hello everyone!

First of all, thank you to all of you for your encouraging words in this new branching path of my life.  It means a lot to have your support in this endeavour.

Well, the test was over a month ago, and as some of you know, I feel like it went pretty well, aside from a few known mistakes.  In fact, it went well enough that I received an email from Statistics Canada saying that my performance on it earned me an interview! JANUARY 16! As amazing as that is, what's even more unbelievable is that the interview will be in my home university—no traveling!!

That was so good to hear, because I've heard that other applicants from my city had to travel in past years to their interview locations, so we were planning for that.  But now I just have to take a bus, the same as if I were going to school (which I am ;D)!  And having it a month away gives me some time to focus on school first while it's final exam season.  It's all so wonderful, I can hardly believe it.

It's more than just a get-to-know-you interview though; they'll be asking me technical questions related to job skills, including task prioritizing, innovative thinking, working with others, and showing initiative, along with statistical knowledge.  I hope my abilities in those areas are enough to impress.

Anyway, yeah, just letting you guys know!  I'm so excited for this opportunity—here's hoping the interview goes well!

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Today is a special day.  Today may be looked back on as the day that changed the course of my life.

Back in September, I was being bombarded with things to add to my school load, including an extra class, a side project, and an extra report.  All this hullabaloo jump-started a conversation in my mind about where my life was headed, and I started talking to my professors about where I should go with what I have (a Math degree) and what I can get (one of two Statistics degrees).  It came to my attention that Statistics Canada (StatCan) was doing their annual national recruitment at the time, so I decided to jump on that too (might as well, with all that was happening).  I met in person with someone who worked there, and he gave me some good advice, so I applied for a job in October.

Part of the application process is writing what is called a Knowledge and Ability Test.  It's essentially a written test to help the company determine if your skills and abilities are a sufficient match for their needs.  And that's what I'm writing today.

Today, my family is driving to a nearby city where one of the test locations is.  If I do well on the test, I'll get called in for an interview next month; if I do well on that, then I might have a job next year!  There are 15 positions available, and I don't know how many people will be writing this test (it is nationwide, after all), but I feel like this would be a good fit for me, and so I'm going to do my best to show them everything I can do.

Wish me luck!

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Did you ever want a super-talented artist to draw you an amazing piece of customized artwork you could call your very own? If you're like me, then the answer is a resounding "Yes"! But maybe, you wanted the artist to get more than just some monies from the exchange...

Well, you're in luck! Because right now, at this very moment minute (this mominute~) the one and only ITBluebeadTI is open for commissions! Not just that, she's using the earnings to go to Australia to visit the first and only KazunaPikachu! for the whole summer! :la: For the whole this summer!

Check out her journal about it here:

AyyyYo :dummy:Commishies are open aaa.  I'm doing something crazy and going to visit my bestie :devkazunapikachu: all the way across the globe (but it's expensive woops). On top of that, starting next year, I have to make a living (double woops). So I'm opening commissions. :la: Check the prices on my front page/commission widget! 50% off for PPG commissions. :iconlachoirplz: Here's the commission policy for info on how to commission If you could spread this journal, I'd really appreciate it guys. ♥Toodles~ :icontransparentplz:

This is the perfect way to make your money worth as much as possible—you get awesome art AND the satisfaction of knowing you've helped make a dream come true. But hurry—her slots are filling up!

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Wanna send someone 2 Australia? Why not DuckxDuck? by GeoffNET, journal

The Second Day of the Rest of My Life by GeoffNET, journal

The First Day of the Rest of My Life by GeoffNET, journal

Help ITBluebeadTI get to Australia! by GeoffNET, journal

PSA: Watch Star vs. the Forces of Evil by GeoffNET, journal