As some of you are aware, our beloved DuckxDuck is trying to raise money for a super-cooper trip to Australia, and so she's offering commissions!

PayPal Commissions ~ Closed:bulletred: Commissions are closed. :bulletred: EDIT 3// Closing in about two-ish weeks for my hiatus //EDIT 3 edit 2// Now on tumblr! https://octopusink.tumblr.com/post/170472053424/trying-to-raise-money-for-a-school-trip //edit 2 edit// Adding digital commissions because that's what you guys said you wanted. :thumbsup:Also the deadline is coming up in a few months and I'm freaking out a little bit because I still have a few thousand dollars to raise otl. So if you'd be so kind please, please, please spread this around so more people can see it! I would really appreciate it! //edit For the college I'm at they require a cross cultural e...
I myself have already gotten two and they're so amazing I still can't believe how good they are! Just look at how well she draws in Star Vs. style:

She's doing traditional, digital, coloural, line-artal, whatever your heart desiral (except the usual NSFW stuffs). Seriously, with all these peeps wanting to go to Australia, it must be an awesome place; wouldn't it be grand to help another deserving artist get the experience of a lifetime? I'm sure if you asked, Duck would send back some fabulous snaps ohoho~
Don't delay! Act impulsively today! Hurry, this offer is good for a limited time only!