Gawain Cyndwrig - Year 5GeoCaecias on DeviantArt

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Gawain Cyndwrig - Year 5



Cat is stalking Gawain's feet. He will soon strike, and steal those shoelaces for his very own. Because all things string are property of Cat.

Name: Gawain Cyndwrig (Pronounced GAH-wine kin-DOO-reeg; Anglicized as "Gavin Kendrick")
Nicknames: Kid (Lukas/Angel), Bookworm (Lukas), Butterfly Boy (Tulia)
Gender: male
Age: 16
Birthday: March 15, 2000
Year: 5
House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Half-blood
Nationality: Welsh - :icondealwithittrollplz:
Sexuality: Heterosexual? Demi-sexual? Aromantic? He's not sure. He does know he's not interested in a relationship until he can work past his issues with touching people. He HATES when people touch him.

Physical Appearance: Gawain has dark, Mediterranean skin and a mop of unruly, dark brown (almost black) hair.  His olive green eyes are set below eyebrows that are often furrowed. Regular exercise and Quidditch training have started to give him a lean build. He has a long, broad scar on his right forearm from a Quidditch accident in his 4th year. There is a 2-inch scar on the back of his left hand from a bad scratch. His nose has been broken once, though there are no indications of the break. At the time of this writing, he is 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs 135lbs, and is still growing.

Theme Songs: Thou Shalt Always Kill - Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip || You've Got Another Thing Coming - Judas Priest
| Grouchy || Snide || Headstrong || Exacting || Adaptable || Curious |
    While Gawain is capable of smiling, laughing, and talking cheerfully, his default state surly. Sarcasm and snark are his wheelhouse. He is an exceptionally diligent listener and active participant in classes, but is very lax with completing homework. He is clever, and often uses his wit for making snarky comments. He takes notes in his textbooks and points out where they're wrong or only partially correct. He dutifully follows the rules if he agrees with them, but more often than not, he views rules as things that apply to other people. He is headstrong but not obstinate. If someone can give him a good reason to do or not to do something, he will adapt. Gawain loves to learn new things and will put in the effort to gain new skills or new knowledge. He does not like to be touched, and he hates crowds because physical contact is basically guaranteed. When meeting new people, he is slow to trust and will often require several meetings before counting someone as a friend. He is much faster to make rivals and enemies than friends. In conflicts, Gawain tends to be Switzerland. As in, he is neutral and will take actions that lead to the restoration of balance (16.7% Good; 20.5% Chaotic).

Pet: Cat, an enormous black british shorthair cat.
Wand: White fir. 11.5 inches long, moderately stiff. Griffin tail hair core.
Patronus: Honey Badger (note: he cannot make a corporeal patronus)
    :bulletgreen: broomstickers (better known as flying)
    :bulletgreen: eating & cooking new foods
    :bulletgreen: reading
    :bulletgreen: singing
    :bulletgreen: playing Quidditch
    :bulletgreen: drawing
    :bulletgreen: debating
    :bulletgreen: playing harmless pranks on people

    :bulletred: TOUCHING. DX (Fighting is okay; that doesn't count fall into the same category as hugs/kisses/accidental squishing against people.
    :bulletred: stupid people/people who say stupid things/stupid rules
    :bulletred: tasks that stifle creativity
    :bulletred: spicy foods
    :bulletred: things that don't make sense (for example, if he is in a debate with someone, he really hates it if they don't use good logic to support their arguments)
    :bulletred: getting caught breaking the rules
    :bulletred: being yelled at by Angel (not that it stops him from doing stuff that makes her yell at him)
    :bulletred: crowds & crowded places
    :bulletred: not knowing things that other people know

Courses: Astronomy, Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Herbology, DAtDA, Ancient Runes [elective], Arithmancy [elective], and Art [extracurricular]
Best Subjects: Charms & Potions
Worst Subjects: Transfiguration & History of Magic
Career Track: St. Mungo's Healer

Brief History:
    Fourth Year:
      The Tri-Wizard Tournament was held in Gawain's 4th year. He cheated to get his name into the Goblet of Fire, though he wasn't selected as a Champion. He pulled together a rag-tag band, called Luna Sea, to play rock music and stick it to the man. He spiked some juice at the Yule Ball with Aging Potion, and got 5 people to drink it before he had to drink some himself. Over the summer, he got a job at a local bookstore in his home town. He used the money to pay for his school supplies and new clothes, as he outgrew just about everything he owned. Just before he came back to Hogwarts for his 5th year, a black cat adopted him. You read that right. CAT adopted HIM.
    First - Third year:
      Gawain basically kept his head down and stayed anti-social for his early years. He did cast some interesting spells and had an interesting Halloween group, but on the whole didn't do very much worth talking about.
      Gawain grew up in Swansea, Wales with his father (half-blood) and his mother (muggle). His parents separated just before he started at Hogwarts and he now lives only with his mother. He speaks both Welsh & English but prefers using English. When he is very angry, he will curse in Welsh. His mother uses her maiden name, and Gawain uses his mother's maiden name as well. The Cyndwrigs are not a wealthy family, and they live with very few frills. As a young boy, Gawain scared his parents because he developed magic late. Until his 11th birthday, he attended public school where he made a few close Muggle friends, many acquaintances, and a few enemies. He still keeps in close contact with his parents by letter  when he's at Hogwarts, though his Muggle acquaintances have fallen by the wayside.

  • Gawain can whistle pretty well, and sings tenor
  • He is the Hogwarts equivalent of a high school student that doesn't use his locker. He pretty much carries all his stuff with him to all his classes. Needless to say, his book bag is unnecessarily heavy.
  • The Sorting Hat wasn't sure whether to put him in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.
  • After working his butt off for 3 years, he finally made it as a beater on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. He doesn't have any natural talent for the sport, so has to practice twice as hard as everybody else. Not that he will ever let people know just how hard he works to keep up.

Gawain Cyndwrig & sketch by me~
Line art, coloring, & template by DollF4ce
Harry Potter/Hogwarts/Ravenclaw (c) JK Rowling
Gawain in previous years:
Gawain Cyndwrig - Year 4 by GeoCaecias HSRP - Gawain Cyndwrig by GeoCaecias
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feathery-blue-otaku's avatar
haha i log in and see tons of apps oops gotta upload mine later