Open Minded Does Not Mean Dumbgenkistamps on DeviantArt

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genkistamps's avatar

Open Minded Does Not Mean Dumb



You know that saying "it's possible to be so open minded your brain falls out?" Yeah, pretty much that.

Sometimes, people need to be told that they're sick individuals or fucking stupid. None of this coddling ~*TOLERATE EVERYONE*~ bullshit. The perfect example of this is furries protecting dog molesters because we "HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER AND ACCEPT EVERYONE IN OUR COMMUNITY." I don't have to accept animal rapists just because they like the same thing I do. See: Geek Social Fallacies 1 and 2 [link]
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© 2011 - 2025 genkistamps
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Anglo-Falcon's avatar
Tolerating evil in society is simply giving it permission to continue, which means you share in the guilt