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Tomorrow I leave for my first year of college.

Which I find kind of insane, to be frank.

I think it still hasn't set in yet.

I don't honestly have a lot to say about it for the time being. I just wanted to make a quick update. I'll probably write another update when I've actually gotten there.

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So Otakon this year was a really fun con! I had a blast.


Arrived in the early afternoon, checked into my hotel, then waited for Patrick (my boyfriend/Shinji) to arrive. Once he did, we had dinner and then picked up our badges. After that we waited through the line again with my sister and her friends. Badge pickup was really quick and easy. Even though the line was kind of long, we got through it in about ten minutes. After that, we went back to my sister's room and hung out for a bit, then went to bed.


Woke up around 10:00 and got into cosplay as Akihiko and Shinjiro. We tried to get into the voice acting panel, but it was full by the time we got there. We bought a wig at the dealer's room to finish off the Shinjiro cosplay because Patrick didn't like the one we had, then we bummed around artist alley. I bought a really gorgeous print from the game Journey, and Patrick bid on some things in the silent auction. He also got a nice original print.

We got lots of pictures taken of us, which is always enjoyable ;p We even managed to acquire a fangirl haha. We tried to go to the digital painting panel, but it was full when we got there again :| That was the one issue I had with this con: there were lots of cool panels and events to go to, but you had to get there about a half hour early if you wanted to get in. It was a little frustrating, but oh well.

We did manage to get into the Touhou panel however, and it was fun for a little bit but we left because it got boring. I felt bad for Patrick because the guys running the panel kept referencing memes that he didn't get because he's not really a Touhou fan. He brought me to the LOL panel because he thought it meant League of Legends but we left shortly after we discovered that was not the case ;p

We also went to the photo suite and got some photos done. After that, we met up with my sister and went to the lolita fashion show, which was actually really fun. After that we went back to her room and hung out for a bit before going to the midnight Persona photoshoot.

The shoot was REALLY fun. It was definitely one of the highlights of the convention for me. We met some cool people and generally had a good time. It was really funny to hear everyone start shouting after we started making out xD After the shoot we went to bed.


I woke up before Patrick so that I could go to the music composition panel. What I saw of it seemed interesting, but I left early to go to the second Persona shoot. This one wasn't as much fun as the previous night's one, but we still had a good time. Afterward, a large group of us went off to get lunch together, but Patrick, our friend Katharina (who was cosplaying Mitsuru) and I broke off from the rest of the group.

We spent most of the rest of the day wandering around and hanging out together. Unfortunately, there wasn't really much we wanted to do as far as panels and such, so we pretty much just bummed around and shopped in the dealer's room/artist alley. Patrick did get a really cool commission done in artist alley though.

Around nine we went back to our rooms and changed, then we had dinner with Katharina and her boyfriend. We didn't have much to do that night so we played games in the game room for a couple of hours. We eventually wandered over to the rave, but we weren't there very long. We did have a good time while we were there though.

After the rave we went to bed because we were both really exhausted :P


Sunday kind of sucked. Sunday always kind of sucks. Patrick had to leave very early in the morning so I went to the art auction by myself for a while. I looked around the dealer's room as well, but there wasn't anything I wanted. I did buy a pretty cool print that I'd had my eye on, but that was all.

I left for home around 1:00. The trip back home was uneventful :P

That was my con. It was a really great time, and I'm very glad I went!

Now tomorrow I'm going to visit my university for a couple of days for a pre-orientation sort of thing. I'm really excited about that! Then when I get home, I'll finally have a week completely off with no obligations :P I'm really excited about that because I've been out and about all sorts of places for the last few weeks, and it will be nice to relax for a couple of days xD

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1 min read
So I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I really just have not had very much time available to devote to this account.

So as you can probably guess from the absence of any journal about it, I did not end up going to Connecticon. It was kind of a last minute decision.

However, I'll be leaving for Otakon later today, and I'm very excited to go :) I'll be cosplaying as Akihiko from P3 again, and this time I'll have a Shinjiro with me. I'm looking forward to it, and I hope it will be a fun con. See you there!

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Right, so as I've previously mentioned, I'll be attending AnimeNEXT this weekend. I'll be cosplaying as Akihiko Sanada.

If you're going, please keep an eye out for me :heart:

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So, I'm still working out my convention schedule for this summer, but so far it looks like I will be at:


I'm still unsure who I'll be cosplaying to these. I think that I'll be Marvel in a Hunger Games group at Connecticon, but it's not set in stone. I'll most likely be bringing Akihiko to all of these, and I want to try to get a cosplay of the traveler from Journey done sometime as well.

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College. by Genis-Sage, journal

Otakon (continued) by Genis-Sage, journal

Otakon by Genis-Sage, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Genis-Sage, journal

Conventions this summer by Genis-Sage, journal