TWG Assignment 12 : Cats are not FishGeneralPanic on DeviantArt

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TWG Assignment 12 : Cats are not Fish



TWG Assignment 12 : Cats are not Fish


The wind ripped at Cursedstar's pelt. It had been raining for two days and everyone was starting to get sick of being stuck in camp, so Cursedstar had decided to lead a patrol around the territory so they could see if anything had happened. They hadn't gotten far from camp when the patrol was stopped in their tracks.
The river had swelled and spilled over it's banks, thrashing between the enormous boulders around rushing over the territoy in an attempt to claim more land for itself.
"Great StarClan," Thornfall hissed, surveying the river through the rain.
"It's like it's trying to eat everything," Pineshore mewed, blinking water out of his eyes.
"It's a good thing the camp is on a hill," Riverdrift laughed lightly.
Speckledpath attempted to fluff out his pelt, rain dripping down his sides. "StarClan is going to think we're crazy for standing out here like this."
"I'm sure Speckledpath, but this river doesn't look like it's going to be returning to it's banks any time soon. So we need to learn how to live with it for the time being," Cursedstar turned to her patrol. "Thornfall I want you to lead everyone up stream, try to find anywhere where we can cross to the other side. I'm going to go back to camp and tell everyone else."
Cursedstar and Thornfall exchanged nods before the grey she-cat pelted off towards the camp.


I'm sure some of you guessed this was coming but now it's here! :D YAY FLOODING~!

Unfortunately, I have some bad news as some of our fellow Warriors did not survive the Green-cough out break. These cats are;

Also there are a lot of cats that still have Greencough! If you are on the following list you NEED to do two healing assignments or you will die!
Apprentices -


Alright gang, first off Thornfall, Spottedpath, Riverdrift and Pineshore need to find a place to cross the river. It's not going to be easy, the river is running really fast with all of this run off so remember that if you fall in you're probably dead.

ARTIST you need to draw your character reacting to all of this rain. Seriously, if they love it I want to see them skipping through mud puddles with a huge grin on their face and if they hate it... Well, draw them hating it haha!

WRITERS you need to write about your character's feelings about all of this. Cursedstar just told everyone that the territory is almost completely covered in water, I'm sure you have something to say about this :3

Apprentices looks like we're going to be doing a lot of water training and stuff. So your assignment for this month is going to be FISHING :D
Mentors I expect you to teach your apprentices. Remember that your mentor duties come first. Before literally any othe assignment I can give you.

Kits it looks like we'll have to teach you how to swim early. Normally we would wait for ya'll to be Apprentices, but this is necessary.
Deerleap, Leafpelt, and Jaywatcher you will be teaching the kits how to swim. There's a calm pool under a few boulders just north of the camp, take them there and teach them the ways of the fish!

The deadline for this assignment is June 10th! This means you have OVER three weeks to do this assignment, so I expect amazing things from you lot.

If you have any questions feel free to ask! Good luck!
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Crazyfox346's avatar
I will have to submit my other assignments tomorrow because I've got a French speaking test I need to revise for and I haven't learned my notes yet DX sorry! I know we've had TONS of times but I've just been spammed with homework :c and someone keeps on telling me to draw things for a new group ive made