Open Data 1:1
>>> Code : open file : introduction 3bcat
>>> Hey hello my name is Helam :>
>>> Why "General" ? (secret mwehehe)
>>> I mostly do modeling and render about military stuff
>>> Always post between 11-12PM (GMT+7)
>>> Discord ( Helam^^#2023 ) feel free to add
>>> I also li......
>>> Communication terminated
>>> Data classified : Strata Emergency Protocol : true
>>> Active...
From deepest trench
To highest mountain
Fly high
Into the sky
Gift: Nightcap Eevee
Hello; thank you so much for the fav~!
I'll be honored if you would watch me or remind me for new pokemon art trades or commissions^^
hiii np :>
Thanks for the fav!
np ^^
Thanks for the watch ^w^