Voice Actor, Abridger, Doodle Maker. My name is Gendo here... but over there I am called other things... I am the creator of the famous manga series "Captain VN: Savior of the Gal Games," inspired by the ancient writings of Tyler Neuman. I hope you enjoy my work and my voice.
Thank you so much for the favorite on my art piece " Witch-ay Woman"! Your continued support means the world to me !
Thanks for the fav!!
Thanks so very much for the watch much appreciated
Explore my RPG Wallpaper Gallery, filled with epic landscapes and mythical realms to inspire your campaigns and characters. Each piece invites you into a world of fantasy and adventure. Dive in, and let the journey begin!
Thanks for the watch my friend😀
Thanks for the Fav. If you like my work, please consider watching me 😀