ArwenGeminiBrain on DeviantArt

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GeminiBrain's avatar




Arwen Undómiel from Lotr!

Programs used: Photoshop CS5
Music: Loreena McKennitt- The Mystics Dream

:bulletblue: Tumblr:bulletblue: WIX Portfolio :bulletblue:

Image size
3500x2800px 1.12 MB
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daser123's avatar

Unveil me... I think the title works very well with the subject, simple and to the point but I think also a bit metaphorical as well. I really like that you have a  glowing sword here, I find something very deep in the contrast of it's darkness with the gentle light, it reminiscent of a rebirth, the way it slides past the hand, the first new breath taken. A delightful sensuality that is both pure and still hints at other feelings through the glowing sword . I like the framing, it makes my eyes follow the line of the arm and that drape of the cloth. To look forward as it were, just like she is in her unveiling… There is skin, but it is used very well to tell the story and it compliments rather then distracts. I like the hair a lot; it has a sort of freeness to it, unrestrained and loose. There are a lot of nice little details that all work together nicely to create a very beautiful image. Well done.

p.s. sorry for my bad english :) (Smile)