:::All Hail to the King, Baby::..GemabearMonsta on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gemabearmonsta/art/All-Hail-to-the-King-Baby-438397024GemabearMonsta

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:::All Hail to the King, Baby::..



:bulletred:If you like my art, please give me a watch! Thank you:bulletred:
Ahhh, another fan art doodle I whipped up real quick. This time it's you know who—
Scourge the Hedgehog.
Man, I really loved this guy. He was such a little rebel and sassy LOOL. So, I wanted to try him
inside of my style. Also, I need more men and guys in my gallery!(o´ω`o)

There's some things i still need to tweek, but eh, whaddyagonnado?:iconknucklesrapefaceplz:

Ah:heart: Anyways, I hope you like!

Scourge the Hedgehog- Archie comics

Image size
1800x2500px 406.25 KB
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