GeeksoftheWorldUnite's avatar


Years Ago
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Comments 215

anonymous's avatar
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MZimmer1985's avatar
Hey, any reason why my submission have to be reviewed and why submissions are down to five? Am I doing something I shouldn't be doing?
Cosmic-Psycho's avatar

The submissions that have been declined are the reason. I have a hard enough time running this group alone while working 60+ hours/week without having to go in and remove deviations from folders they don't belong in.

MZimmer1985's avatar

I have always made sure to submit casting choices to the "Fan Casting" folder.

Or is this a bunch of other people coming in screwing things up?

Cosmic-Psycho's avatar

It's multiple people. Hopefully I'll be able to turn auto accept back on for that folder soon.

arasharley's avatar
Hey, thank you very much for the request on my Hannah Anafeloz cosplay photo!
KurrClancey's avatar
Thank you for the photo adds!
RealMantis's avatar
thanks for the request Wink/Razz