ShameGaryckArntzen on DeviantArt

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GaryckArntzen's avatar




My friend who goes by the alias Dickie Briganza has writ a poem to compliment such a picture:

Ever from the void they burst,
Tears of a god,
Of a Mother Earth.


Ok here's the gist.

Since our conception as a species, we've found ways of working against the grain of natural selection.
Permanently evading predators, arranging food sources so little effort is required for sustenance, becoming so safe in environments of our own creation that we no longer breed for strength, but rather with immunity to any physical and mental favourability(apparently this is not a real word, but you understand my meaning).

We've become so comfortable that we're allowing defective genes to proliferate into the future without restriction, choosing to cure ailments as they present, instead of dealing with them at the molecular level. There is nothing pruning us for betterment anymore.

We're so lacking in a physical battle for survival that we've industrialised our planet, raping eco-systems for the creation of entertainment, be it in products, or dumping of by-products.

Without us, the planet would only become more stable, the course of all other life spreading as in equilibrium. But the sad fact is, we are a self-made immunisation of our roots, the cure to the virus of life, even at out own peril.
We will always exist, because we are too successful at using resources to our ends.
Our intellect and greed is the only mistake in nature not able to be pruned by natural forces.

Onto the picture.
Mother Nature is depicted on her pedestal, a rock, a sheer force of will.
She was once fat and healthy, birthing life in abundance, but her one mistake was the birth of us, we can see our conception in the womb of the balloon.
It floats with potential and promise, reflecting a world of trees and mountains, but the act of us being borne unto this realm emaciates Mother Nature. She becomes cracked and frail, the world of life reflected in the womb of our making recedes into a barren wasteland of our greed.
The balloon string is an IV tube of bloodflow, showing we are forever tied to her, no matter how far astray our intent and actions may fall from the plan of natural things.

Mother Nature weeps for her sadistic child.

Sorry if my explanation is all over the fucking place, I'm not really following a set plan for explaining my reasoning, rather letting it flow.

Of course this is just my reasoning, you may subjectively see anything you want, there are obvious abortion connotations, and anorexic ones too, possibly indicative of the shame of today's teenage girls, and their issues.
Go with wherever your mind takes you.

Happy Valentine's Day

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On a technical note, I tried to experiment with faux-lighting, painting in a backlit reflective blue-hued light, to try match the scene of light peeking out the clouds in a linear ray, while also refracting and diffusing on the sand, as it's an overcast day as well. I hope I did ok, but something seems off, any advice will be appreciated.

Thank you for looking.

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© 2011 - 2025 GaryckArntzen
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banitka's avatar
you're simply the best! :)