Gift art: for DaniimuttGaruryKai on DeviantArt

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GaruryKai's avatar

Gift art: for Daniimutt



I'm still doing some gift art for watchers and people who come around and comment ;v;  I feel so good when I get response from you all and I feel so happy to still have people that follows my art <3  I can't think in a better way to be grateful that give away some drawings.

This is for Daniimutt at furaffinity that requested something for her bf <3  such lovely character!

I still need to submit more drawings haha I have some traditionally colored that I need to scann, I still have more gift art for y'all <3

Hope you like it Danni and Lilulfr!
Image size
940x800px 797.93 KB
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cresentsky's avatar
Great work, the shading is very nice.