Imogen Waterhouse foot lick - Braid gif 2Garfieldsfat on DeviantArt

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Imogen Waterhouse foot lick - Braid gif 2



In horror film Braid, two main characters Petula and Tilda are running from the police and catch a train. Petula (Imogen Waterhouse) is stopped by a man collecting tickets, who seemingly recognises her as some kind of dominatrix named Goddess Vesper. Since she and her friend are in a situation where they don’t have tickets, Petula makes a deal with the man, and they have a 15 minute domination session in the train bathroom.

Wearing his hat while sitting on the table, she says “lick it”, the man kneeling below her pressing his face on her bare foot and says “thank you goddess”. He then takes a good long lick of her foot. Evidently, Petula has had quite a lot of domination experience.

She might’ve only done this as a way of getting a free ride on a train without any issues but chances are that she had some fun out of this brief session, especially in the way she sticks her tongue out as her foot was being licked.

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