Pokemon *Gym Leader Sabrina*gaming123456 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gaming123456/art/Pokemon-Gym-Leader-Sabrina-823973466gaming123456

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Pokemon *Gym Leader Sabrina*



Some people favour Misty. Others will definitely choose Erika. 
But I rather choose Sabrina. I mean, Psychic is like mage-classes in RPG games. They excel in crazy damage attacks and they "look" good doing it (I mean, just look at Sabrina!). Too bad they're weak against their own types (wha?).

Ever since the whole drama around Sword/Shield started and how the "fans" hated Gen-1 Pokemon for getting too much attention to it, that didn't hurt my feelings, it just reminded me WHY I love Gen 1 (and Gen 2) so much. Yeah, I can admit nostalgia got the best of me, but it was a simple time of the franchise. No story, catch 'em all, 16 gym leaders, 250 Pokemon to know and love/hate, and memorable music. 

With that being said, I looked back on the Kanto Gym Leaders, how I suddenly remembered that I have Let's Go Eevee (which I haven't finished yet), and went straight to the drawing-board to make Gen-1 Sabrina based on Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee.

You can expect Gen-2 Sabrina in the future because hot-dang she's, well, HOT in Gold/Silver. What a makeover!
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