Deviation Actions
It's not because oyur lower body is one of a horse that you should go buck naked all day. It tooks her time to adapt the clothes, but in the end it's worth it. Besides, it makes it easier to party outisde on chilly nights!
I know I know, her taur body isn't so horse like: truth is she's more like a humantaur somehow. I Hope you She's the wild type, but love it when someone romance her.
I had a setting based in the premisse of centaurs and humans sharing the world, in a contemporary civilization. Started as short scenes, more like jokes, but grew into something that I considere somewhat internally consistent. One of the things that took me some time thinking was this.
After all, horses and their close relatives do not control their defecation (if I am not mistaken), like dogs and humans do. It happens without any consideration from their part. If they use pants those pants must act like diapers. Centaurs don't need to follow the same paradigm, of course, since that is fiction. But they do have the lower bodies of horses, by definition. To choose not to make their digestive system work like the digestive system of horses work is a significant decision for a setting.
On the other hand, if they do not control their defecation, then perhaps they don't accept dippers. And they human neighbours are the ones who must accept the biological peculiarities of centaurs and their consequences in cultural level.
Is easy to forget how much of our sense of "normality" depends on biology when we only compare human societies with other human societies. Sadly we must go to fiction to find talking species of non-humans nowadays.