Dishonorable DischargeGalder on DeviantArt

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Dishonorable Discharge



    Hello everyone! Today we are going to meet a person who, while not directly a member of The Brigade, has played a prominent part in its story. Meet Officer DeBrrie, or rather just simply - DeBrrie. Lieutenant DeBrrie started her career in the Stormwind Army at an early age.

    She has been assigned to a unit in Westfall, where she served several years under a group of unsavory and morally unpalatable officers - at least according to her own recount of the events of recent years. While at this post, DeBrrie has become increasingly upset and discontent with the way the unit was ran, and the way the officers in charge handled day to day affairs. She did not like their attitude towards the common folk and their lenience towards suspected criminals. She has always tried to do what felt right, at least from her own perspective, and that lead to her clashing with her superiors on a very frequent basis. Maybe, if she had been better with words, more persuasive or more diplomatic, things could have developed differently for DeBrrie. But being gruff, down to earth and of a 'simple soldier'mindset, DeBrrie simply appeared to be a disgruntled and stubborn officer in need of discipline who occasionally sent an angry report to Stormwind in an attempt to correct things the proper way.

    On one fateful day, DeBrrie witnessed a mistreatment of a family of farmers at the hands of one of her superiors. It appeared that the officer tried to extort protection money and upon noticing DeBrrie tried to enlist her to intimidate the farmers into compliance. Fed up with all, that has been happening around her for the past few months and increasingly troubled by the obvious corruption in the officer ranks, DeBrrie resolved to a simple solution - she kneed her captain in the groin and added a few well aimed punches of her plated fists to help him 'wake up'. Shortly after, DeBrrie has been stripped of rank, and while facing further punishment, she managed to escape with the help of several like-minded soldiers. 

    Her paths have crossed with the Brigade shortly after, as knowing some of the mercenaries, she knew they would take the stories of the suspected corruption far more seriously than the already corrupt bureaucrats in Stormwind. 

    I have finished DeBrrie in december of 2018, while I was trying to experiment with some strong light and shadow conditions and their impact on various materials and surfaces. I hope you like the final result!

    DeBrrie is busy protecting the citizens of Elwynn and Westfall against the elemental incursions. While the situation hasn't calmed down, she found a moment to donate an elaborate truesilver necklace worth 100 Gold Coins (DA points) and 400 Reputation points. This prize requires Arcanite key to unlock . She originally had no keys to donate , but she finally found a Golden key you may have! (THE GOLDEN KEY HAS BEEN CLAIMED)


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© 2019 - 2025 Galder
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LeilaAscariz's avatar
The textures on her skin and armor are incredible, I love how everything on this piece looks like a veteran, from her, to her armor, to the mug!