Galaxynimation's avatar


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199 Watchers179 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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StartWithLove: Participated in Start With Love campaign
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (534)Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (534)Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (534)

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Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust,
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Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Skillet, Red
Favourite Books
"Titans", "Hary Potter (Each part ♥)"
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The sims 3, Star Stable, Undertale, Ultimate Custom Night, League of Legends
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While I'm busy with school, I was thinking about the whole situation when Devianart changes to Eklipse, let's just say it, nobody liked it what happened. That's why I am thinking of switching to on this account. It is similar to the one before the Deviantart change and seems more enjoyable to work with to me. Of course, I won't delete this account, I will be looking here from time to time and my comic "Dying Star" will be continued here as well as on link to my account here: other DA account for my comic:
anonymous's avatar
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Everything is back to normal so far, my brother has moved out and my mother and I are safe... Thank you to everyone who supported me in these difficult times, you are the closest to my heart
anonymous's avatar
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Hello, I have a very bad situation at home... My older brother uses psychical/emotional abuse against me and my mom. Really, the situation is serious, even the police didn’t react. I may need money to move out... that's why I open commissions if anyone is interested I will be grateful for any help If you cannot use it, but still want to pay a small amount, feel free to visit any help will help, even if you share link
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KISMUKI's avatar

Thanks for the fave:)

KosmicAC's avatar

Thanks for faving !!

GlitchyNyan's avatar

Thanks for the fav! And you have a really pretty gallery! ^^

Galaxynimation's avatar

You're welcome and thank you :3 :heart:

vga212's avatar
    DA cake with candles 50x50 icon Fromage Connoisseur fella (Badges)Ralsei F2U Icon   Ralsei defaults deltaruneHappy birthday!Ralsei Battle Start DeltaruneDeltarune - Ralsei White Ribbon Emote  birthdAy '09 fella (Badges) DA cake with candles 50x50 icon 
DA cake with candles 50x50 icon Fromage Connoisseur fella (Badges)Ralsei F2U Icon   Ralsei defaults deltaruneBoldog születésnapot
!Ralsei Battle Start DeltaruneDeltarune - Ralsei White Ribbon Emote  birthdAy '09 fella (Badges) DA cake with candles 50x50 icon