Blue MinimalGaioumonBatou on DeviantArt

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Blue Minimal



This is just a blue version of the Green Minimal skin I released a few days ago. You can find a live version of this particular color here. Sorry guys, I'm a fan of lightning blue. :laughing: If you don't like these particular shades, you're more than welcome to change them, but don't go claiming the code is yours or I will be an angry monkey.

Right, here's a few specifics for you, should you want to use this thing:


:bulletgreen: Coded in Mozilla Firefox 3.6
:bulletgreen: Will work for Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.
:bulletred: Does NOT work for Internet Explorer. I tried, but what a lousy coding interface. :U (See also: I'm not good enough at coding to make it work for IE and still look good)

How to Use:

For as simple as the design looks, the HTML for two of the functions gets kind of complicated, so here's a brief overview.

Headers: To get a header, just type <div class="header">Your header text goes here</div>

Bullet points: This is a bit more complicated. To use the bullet points, you have to have three sets of
tags, in this order:

<div class="box"> = Without this div class, the bullet points won't overflow into a scroll box, and then it'll look like a gigantic mess.

<div class="dot"> = Without this div class, the bullet points won't show up...

<div class="e"></div> = After all that, the "e" is what makes the bullet point show up. Thankfully, you don't need any text to go in this div, you just need to properly close the tag.

So, after all that, it should look like this:

<div class="box"><div class="dot"><div class="e"></div> Your bullet point text goes here!
<div class="e"></div> Want a new bullet point? Hit enter and put the "e" code in.
<div class="e"></div> Do it again, if you feel so inclined!</div></div>

Now, you can have as many or as few bullet points as you want, but if you have less than five bullet points there will be a gap of white space. Regardless, you MUST put </div></div> at the end of your last bullet point to close the dot and box divs. If you don't, the journal will bork. A lot.

The feature table:
The feature table was coded by `thespook, and you can find the details of its function as well as the code and how to use it here. :) If, however, you don't want to read that and would rather just have the template for using the you go.

<dl><dt>description goes in these DT tags. <em>:iconusername:</em></dt>
<dd>:thumb#####: :thumb#####: :thumb#####: </dd></dl>

And that should be it!

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you found something broken that shouldn't be broken, please let me know!

Other colors in the set:
:bulletgreen: Green :bulletgreen:
© 2010 - 2025 GaioumonBatou
anonymous's avatar
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aLzRitH's avatar
Great journal skin !! :D