GabrielZet's avatar


My Ordinary Life - TLT
8 Watchers23 Deviations

11. Wewnentrzny Bol by GabrielZet, literature

10. Prawdziwe Wyzwanie 2/2 by GabrielZet, literature

10. Prawdziwe Wyzwanie 1/2 by GabrielZet, literature

9. Droga do normalnosci 2/2 by GabrielZet, literature

9. Droga do Normalnosci 1/2 by GabrielZet, literature

8. Szkoda ze to nie byl tylko sen... by GabrielZet, literature

7.Skutki Niewyspania by GabrielZet, literature

6. Bolesna Pobudka by GabrielZet, literature

5. Szczerosc za szczerosc by GabrielZet, literature

4. Rodzinne Spotkanie by GabrielZet, literature

See All

11. Wewnentrzny Bol by GabrielZet, literature

10. Prawdziwe Wyzwanie 2/2 by GabrielZet, literature

10. Prawdziwe Wyzwanie 1/2 by GabrielZet, literature

9. Droga do normalnosci 2/2 by GabrielZet, literature

9. Droga do Normalnosci 1/2 by GabrielZet, literature

8. Szkoda ze to nie byl tylko sen... by GabrielZet, literature

7.Skutki Niewyspania by GabrielZet, literature

6. Bolesna Pobudka by GabrielZet, literature

5. Szczerosc za szczerosc by GabrielZet, literature

4. Rodzinne Spotkanie by GabrielZet, literature

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The Last Crystal Dragon. Artist who makes absolutely epic pice of art give you guys amazing opportunity to have your character on tropical headshot! What you need to do? Be her watcher. Post on your journal the most important! Be faster that me BuaaahahahahaCebula wszystkim!
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0 min read
Book I Scenario - CompletedProlog -Finished Translated - Work in Progress Chapter I - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter II - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter III - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter IV - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter V - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter VI - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter VII - Work in Progress Translated - Not Started Chapter VIII -Not Started Translated - Not Started (...) Several Chapter finished but I dont know whitch number will have... (...) Book II Scenario - CompletedChapter I - Finished Translated - Not Started Chapter II - Work in progress...
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Let's start.This is my first time when I start my participation on DeviantArt really seriously. Previously, I had assumed it only just to be able to see the work of my favorite artists. But always I wanted to create something unique, something that really is appreciated. Much of the time took me decide to enter their work here. Mostly because in my environment, everything I created was considered like a pice of shit. Probably due to the lack of understanding. I hope that even here I encounter someone who will like my work. For now, I will try to understand how they work placing the "literature" on this website. By what my work can make a l...
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QueenOfDragonFire's avatar

Tell me does this character look familiar to you?

A God's Disgrace
GabrielZet's avatar


Hmmm... Honestly there are thousands of black dragons on the community to be honest and I am unable to tracking them all, not to mention that per day people create 100 new dragon all around the world.

This dragon have circular shape horns and two additional following ones with middle size. The bone texture looks smooth. Her gaze give the vibe like (hard to guess that he is a dragon or dragoness so I guess that is she so I will pronounce that way) her Noble gaze judge coldly your pathetic being. Hard to guess her body shape only by headshot but probably this character have her own Reference Sheet.

My dragon character Agon Gabriel Zet have similar features but there are many meaningfull details. Like horn bone texture and shape. Another one is scar on the left eye that my OC have. Probably spikes too because I see only one on the neck your dragoness and mine character have spikes from the head to the tail blade. He is male dragon with slender build more femine like.

Art made by artist was created on canvas by prepared Reference Sheet describing physical features, personality and magic abilities that he use.

For some people all black dragons looks the same. In my personal experience those people lack of noticing key features that makes this Oryginal Characters unique. (Or author didn't give enough reference material for artist to work with or just picked up the cheapest less detailed option to draw).

I believe that both characters are entirely different and there are no point into discussion who is owner of which dragon.

GabrielZet's avatar
GabrielZet's avatar
Considering my fatal draving skills dragon in your gallery looks pretty awesome. Apophis have pretty cool design. Black with red colors always very well looks together. His head have cool design but head horns looks very heavy... in Anais draving his horns are looking little smaller but more natural. When I look Apophis hard to imagine him without spikes on back. He look very badass and without spikes on back he can be very easily take dawn when someone attack from above targeting his neck.
My dragon design is very similar (but I don't publish because drawing looking awful :-P). Main have black scales and magic blue tattoo hidden under illusion. Your looks more like fighter and my more counting on spells that body strong.
And his reference are sooo freaking loooong... translations from Polish to English take ages... And also I really want to publish after close The First Book and The Second.
dragoonbeyblade's avatar
ok Sorry but I always made him like that