Gaboris's avatar


the lone wolf
60 Watchers8 Deviations
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  • Mar 31, 1988
  • Hungary
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (661)
My Bio

Current Residence: Hungary
Favourite genre of music: All that has a good rhyme goes for me.
Operating System: Win XP (of course)
MP3 player of choice: My dear Sony Ericsson XD
Personal Quote: Keep it up! ;) (Wink)

Favourite Games
Fallout series (at the moment)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC :3
Tools of the Trade
booklet, pencil, old rulers and GIMP (for now)
Other Interests
Gaming, programing, stories, anime and the such. X)
tagged by :iconyuna10142: -You must post these rules. -Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal. -You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal. -Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them! -No tagbacks1: I think I finally found out what a Tag is... (Sometimes I'm slow on understanding things. :3) 2: No I can't explain ya what a Tag is. Why? Cuz I'm bad at explainin almost anything. XD 3: My watchers galery is over 3000 pics and my watchers journals are over 800... 4: In summertime I work in our family's pizzeria on a beach. 5: I'm startin to get addicted to online comics...
anonymous's avatar
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Kay so I got this wierd meme like tagg from :iconAriisaTE:. Thx for it, it's cool. ;)Kay the prob with this tagg... it's different then the ones I saw so far, this one was started by someone not long ago(just a few steps back go check it out), there are no rules, but I'll add them to make it easier for ya, there are fix questions and WAY less ppl to get tagged(much easier ;)).Rules: 1)Post the rules and empty questions(much easier for others). 2)Post your tagger(use the ":icon(username goes here):" way). 3)Tagg at least (only) 2 peope. 4)Comment them you tagged them on their profile. 5)Answer these 21 questions. 6)Don't tagg back.1)THREE N...
anonymous's avatar
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*So is it turned on? I can see the red light, that's the off? Wha? Not on tape? The hell's typing? ... Oh that thing...*Okay I got my firs ever tag from :iconyuna10142: and I'm happy cuz of that. X31. Post these rules. 2. Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal. 3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal. 4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them. 5. No tag-backs.1.I have problems with makin lists. XP2.I spend too much time on YT, 3.but only when I'm in my dorm.4.I'd love to draw the things that pop out of my overactive imagination, 5.I'...
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Profile Comments 448

anonymous's avatar
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FRIEND711's avatar

Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

RetiredAccount0's avatar

Guys dose anybody know Factasaurus from Dink The Little Dinosaur its a lost media that aird on CBS back in 1990

Dose anyone have Factasaurus?
OAD-World's avatar

Thank You for Watching!

FRIEND711's avatar
Happy Birthday! ! ! 
JefeChief's avatar
boldog születésnapoooooooooot ^^ :hug: happy mew blushed Fox emoji - birthday Fox emoji - birthday Fox emoji - birthday birthday cake 
KillerSandy's avatar
Boldog születésnapot.birthday cake Day128 - Happy Birthday 
CosmicAdrian's avatar

hello, do u wanna be friends?