BreakfastGabinetteLst on DeviantArt

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Jun: Good morning!
Nergel: What's good about it?

Nergel is in charge of the kitchen. He has a frown. Jun only sees his pink apron and he turns red, perhaps out of anger, perhaps out of embarrassment.

Nergel: Are you going to have breakfast at once?
Jun: Of course! I'm hungry!
Nergel: You're always hungry, what's the difference?

The boy moves to the stove. He is serving the food.

Jun: You can't blame me, in Randae we ate fruits, vegetables, soups and tea. But here I learned that meat could be prepared in so many ways! and the candy! There are so many delicious things I can't stop!
Nergel: Well you should. You were in bed for three days with indigestion the first week at Phaidra.
Jun: Phaidra? Ah yes the city. It's very big, I've never seen so many people together.
Nergel: You're missing the point. But it shows that you have never visited Aurinko or Dárnika. Those are big cities. There are so many people that you can't walk without bumping into someone.

He sets some plates in front of her.

Jun: I don't believe you!

Jun see two toasted bread, look crunchy, filled with egg, bacon, ham, tomato, cilantro and something else that escapes you. He set a bowl of fruit aside and poured Jun a glass of what she consider to be blackberry juice.
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© 2023 - 2025 GabinetteLst
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Remi004's avatar

OH Hi!! I’m so so Sorry that I forgotten to chat you!! I have had a Long Christmas break and also happy new year and what was the Arttrade That you wanted me to do for you.? :(  ^_^”