Portal: Chellg0N3Morganna on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/g0n3morganna/art/Portal-Chell-303196313g0N3Morganna

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Portal: Chell



Guess who else is going up for sale?

If you are 110% interested in purchasing this costume, please send me a note AFTER reading the entirety of this post!

-$180, due to cost of materials and construction time. S&H Fees are calculated when I get your postal code.
-costume was worn twice (made in 2008)
-purchase includes the jumpsuit and heel-springs. Portal gun is not included, nor is it for sale separately
-Jumpsuit should fit a women's size 2 comfortably. I'm a size 4 and it's a bit too snug on me in the bust and butt. My measurements are 33inch bust, 28inch waist, 36inch hips, 5ft 4in tall. If you are smaller than those measurements, you should fit in this just fine. The costume is made of cotton which does *not* stretch. [I am NOT responsible if the costume does not fit you properly. Please be certain of your sizing!]
-I do not accept returns
-I do not accept trades of any kind. I spent money on the costume and wish to get money in return for it.
-I will not hold this for you. If somebody is ready with the money, it's theirs. I will not put the costume on hold while I wait 2 weeks for you to get the money.

Image size
1000x730px 306.66 KB
© 2012 - 2025 g0N3Morganna
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