[If I had Wings...] AU - ZytkaFyreglyphs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fyreglyphs/art/If-I-had-Wings-AU-Zytka-611584828Fyreglyphs

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[If I had Wings...] AU - Zytka



Oh my god she looks so different.

This is a continuation of the AU I'm working on with my characters where all of them are 2% avian. I got inspired and started drawing! Here is Zytka, who looks completely different in relation to her original design (see the original design here). In this design, I kept to her Polish roots with the hair and eye color. I chose her mutation to be 2% Blue-winged Teal which is a type of duck. I thought, well, based on her personality and the region where she's from, I thought the Teal would be the best bet with her! Her design was fun to draw because of the pretty wings she has <3

Copyright 9 by Th3EmOo

More characters part of this AU:

[If I had Wings...] AU - Breezy by Fyreglyphs [If I had Wings...] AU - Echo by Fyreglyphs
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