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I Am The Walrus, Goo Goo Gjoob
122 Watchers68 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (20)
My Bio

Current Residence: Pepper Land
Favourite genre of music: rock and roll (50's, 60's, and 70's)
Favourite photographer: Who?
Favourite style of art: any kind, as long as I can draw it
Operating System: Windows Vista (Millenium finally crashed)
MP3 player of choice: iPod TOUCH 8G (Go Gear broke)
Shell of choice: Whaaat?
Wallpaper of choice: Whaaaaaat?
Skin of choice: Whaaaaaaaaaat?
Favourite cartoon character: too many to mention
Personal Quote: Don't be SORRY, be QUIET.

Favourite Visual Artist
Doesen't matter
Favourite Movies
History of the World Part One
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Beatles, Bobby Fuller Four, The Monkees, Dave Clark Five, etc.
Favourite Writers
I don't read much
Favourite Games
Soul Calibur 3 and Heroes of The Pacific
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 2
Tools of the Trade
pen, pencil, colored pencils, paper
Other Interests
whatever I am inrested in at the moment
"Currently someone is spamming DA with thousands of comments that say something along the lines of ""Rofl, this is relevant to your interests" and there is a link! DO NOT CLICK IT! This is a phish/account hijack and people are being taken to a site where it is injecting code into the browser and hijacking people's DA accounts, it then sends out 1000s of messages from YOUR account on tons of deviations with that very link and text in it. Do NOT click on ANY link that ends with .php, at ALL. These comments can look as though they come from someone you know on DA! Please be aware folks!!! If you get said message, use the "Report as spam" func...
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For good news see the botom of trhis entry.My PS2 memory card, which is one of those Max Memory 16 megabyte memory cards, just did it's impersonation of an XBOX "red ring of death". I went into the browser, to look at the saved data, and it says that I have 0 KB free space, when the last I checked, I had 2,000 some odd KB free space, and there is corrupted data with a file size of ? KB. And what's causing it has to be my Call Of Duty 3, the only game that I play online. Now what REALLY gets me is that on this memory card is all the data for 12 games,and several of these, I had unlocked virtually everything within the game.Here are the game...
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To Do List

0 min read
Well my dad died May 22nd due to a heart attack, and now I have one hell of a do do list. Here's a preview of my things to do:1. get parts for my 1988 Pontiac Firebird Formula 3502. Work on and get a title / inspected for the the afore mentioned Firebird3. work on other deviations and post them here4. get a job5. my senior school year / school marching band (yes I'm a band geek)6. get rid of some junk around my house7. clean up the garage8. get into the bio diesel thing my dad was doingThis is the beginning of my to do list, so don't be suprised if I'm not online as often as I was.
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Profile Comments 100

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noooooname's avatar
thanks for visit =)
Biotype's avatar
Be pretty awesome if you came back.
J25TheArcKing's avatar
Soul Calibur FTW!
bbthechamp1's avatar
your such a good artist i love your drawings
Falchion1984's avatar
FWV's avatar
Falchion1984's avatar