fuzzy-freaks-club's avatar


The Mustelids Musing Club
Years Ago
393 Members375 Watchers

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anonymous's avatar
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Axic0n's avatar
Are you alive?
DrStoat10's avatar
How come I can only submit art into the featured folder? :(
Han-Wik's avatar
I'm sorry about that- I'll see what I can do about it.

From what I understand, only the original founder did it that way and only she has access to all the group features, like making all folders open for submissions. I'm just a co-founder here, and can only do minor changes. Until recently, I was able to at least maintain the folders, but after DeviantArt's latest update, I'm unable to move and sort out group submissions.

I really need to talk to the founder. I hope she's not too busy....!
DrStoat10's avatar
Okay, thank you in advance. ^-^
ShadowMagpie's avatar
I regularly do art with Ferrets and quite recently with Tayras aswell, but I just want to inquire, are Genets accepted too? :D
Han-Wik's avatar
Welcome to the club! If you're interested, there's also  Mustelidaee, a sister group of sorts with nearly identical content, but with more structured classifications of the species and more frequent journal updates. However, this group has a special focus on ferret artwork in addition to the general mustelid stuff.
Tayras are interesting and peculiar and get very little artwork dedicated to them, so it's wonderful that someone give them a chance to shine!

No, genets are not accepted  here. But there are groups for them as well: Viverrids , Operation-Genetta and ViverridArtists.
Genets are members of a family called Viverridae, and these carnivores belong to the feline line of evolution, called Feliformia. Mustelids belong to the canine line, Caniformia, so they are not genetically related at all. But because they're both primitive families and because of similarities in habitat and choice of prey, they have evolved many of the same physical traits and abilities. Therefore it's easy to mix them up, and you're excused if you think they look alike. 
ShadowMagpie's avatar
Thank you! I honestly didn't think they were, I was aware they were from a different family, but I wasn't sure HOW closely related they were, so perhaps accepted XD Thanks for the suggestions, i'll definitely check them out! And I really dont think a lot of people have really ever heard of Tayra's... I know I hadn't a while ago, but it's certainly become a an interest. I need to get drawing them more though I think :D